5 Ways to Manifest
Simple, easy tips to begin manifesting
“If you have the ability to imagine it, or even to think about it, this Universe has the ability and the resources to deliver it fully unto you, for this Universe is like a well-stocked kitchen with every ingredient imaginable at your disposal.” — Ask and It is Given, Esther and Jerry Hicks.
Manifestation is using your mind and thoughts to create the world around you. Manifestation directly correlates with the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is the law of the universe. The law states that like attracts like. Whatever you think about, you will draw into your life and personal experience. You can see the Law of Attraction when you have a bad day. When we have bad days, we tend to dwell on the issue that first began it, and then more unfortunate events come into our day. As humans, we tend to blame these unfortunate events on the day and not the fact that we created, and manifested our day. This is the same for having a great day. One great action starts your day off and from there you continue having a great day. Our subsequent negative and or positive thoughts attracted more negative or positive occurrences into our day.
Manifestation and the Law of Attraction coincide with one another. You manifest positively, the Law of Attraction states that positive actions will come back to you.
Manifestation = The power of creating the world around you by your thoughts
The Law of Attraction = Universal law that what you put out into the world, you get back
The Law of Attraction and manifestation take practice. The more you learn about each subject and how they correlate with one another, the more you can integrate them into your life. Below, are five easy ways to begin manifesting to help you learn how to manifest your dream life.
1. Visualization
When first beginning to manifest, spiritual author Abraham Hicks, says one secret to manifestation is to visualize your desires. Visualization is more than just picturing what you want, it is picturing how having that item would feel. An example could be that you are trying to manifest a new car. Now that you have visualized what you want, which is a new car, how would having this new car feel? The more positively you visualize the item you are manifesting, which is the new car, the faster the Law of Attraction will bring that item into your existance. Once you manifest your desires out into the universe, they must come back.
2. Manifestation Box
A manifestation box is a great way to put your manifestations into the universe. This technique is a grounding way to feel the universe in action. These manifestations do not leave the box, but as you put them in, manifest that whatever is put into this box, will be. The less resistance you have to these manifestations, the easier it will be for these manifestations to come into your life.
3. Affirmations
Instead of manifesting “I want a new car”, affirm to yourself and the universe that you WILL get a new car. Using the word “want” is a timeless way to manifest, but if you affirm that you WILL get that new car, you are putting it out into the universe that you will get it, so it must come back to you. For, it is the Law of Attraction. To increase the success of your affirmations and manifestations, repeat your affirmations throughout the day to bring a higher vibration. The more you say it, the more you believe it, and the more you believe it, the more you will see it.
4. Gratitude Journal
Our days are bogged down by the news, ads, and conversating which drains our energy fields. Writing down five things that you are grateful for lifts your vibration by focusing on the positive and attracting more of it, through the Law of Attraction. You must be in alignment with your desires to manifest, and writing down what you are grateful for will help raise your vibration to help reach your manifestations.
5. Say NO to resistant thoughts
Resistant thoughts are thoughts that we subconsciously think about. We all think resistantly, out of worry and fear. A resistant thought is easily seen as manifesting “I will get this new car” but in the back of your head worrying “But do I have enough money?” You cannot move forward on your manifestation journey while thinking resistant thoughts. Try to block out your subconscious mind telling you no, and push forward toward your manifestations.
You are the byproduct of your past thoughts. What you thought about weeks ago may be present in your life today, whether that be positive or negative. The universe does not differentiate between positive or negative, for the universe only gives you what you are thinking.
Manifestation and the Law of Attraction are heavily intertwined with one another. What you manifest will become your life, for the Law of Attraction says so.
With these beginning manifestation tips and book recommendations, linked below, I hope you can experience growth and change into a fully manifested life.