What is my Rising Sign?

Sutton Reekes
2 min readSep 30, 2018


How to Figure out your Rising Sign and why it is Important

Most of us know our Sun sign. It is the most well-known zodiac sign to people. But little do most people know, that our Sun sign does not begin to show our true personality until we get older.

According to Always Astrology, “Your Rising Sign appears as the first personality traits you exhibit.” Your rising sign can also be referred to as the mask you wear when you first meet people. This is why the way people first describe you may not be what you think. Since most people only understand Sun signs, most people only relate themselves off of their Sun sign and not their Rising sign.

Your Rising, or Ascendant sign as some call it, is revealed as your outer “you”, and the “you” you portray when you first meet people. “Your ascendant might also be revealed in the clothes you wear, car you drive, or any of the other ways you show yourself to the world.”

Traditional Birth Chart for finding your Rising Sign

To find your Rising sign, you need to know exactly where you were born and at what time, as the Rising sign relates to how the sun and zodiacs were positioned when rising the day you were born. The signs roughly change every two hours, and depending on what house the Sun is in, that sign will rise first.

Traditionally, Rising Signs were found using a birth chart. Yet, now you can use many different websites to find your Rising sign. Be sure to be accurate when finding your sign, as time differences can mean a difference in signs, which can mean a difference in how you believe you portray yourself.

Though it is confusing, the Rising sign uses the exact same zodiac signs as the Sun signs. For example, my Sun sign is Aries but my Rising sign is Taurus.

Remember we see our Sun sign more than anyone else, and more than likely the people around you only see your Rising sign. Looking into both of these signs will help you learn more about yourself on a deeper level.

“Your Ascendant is as much a part of you as your Sun sign- but it’s often more obvious to others.”

Here is a link to a free website that will help you figure out your rising sign!



Sutton Reekes
Sutton Reekes

Written by Sutton Reekes

Sutton Reekes is an entertainment & fashion reporter covering pop culture, runway shows, and more. She is a student at the University of Southern California.

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